There have been a whole lot of news distractions since President Trump took office. Some of them he brought upon himself, but most are ploys of the liberal media and part of the far left’s agenda to cripple his presidency.
Daily media obsessions with things like Russia have hidden a very positive result of the Trump election. In his first 200 days, President Trump has nominated 44 federal judges including Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. Trump has nominated 11 people to circuit courts and 23 to district courts.
Here’s the big news. Trump has roughly twice as many vacancies to fill as Obama had in this same time. He has 105 judicial vacancies. Obama had 54. Plus, in the last six months, 33 judges have left the bench, meaning that Trump has 138 vacancies to fill.
Though it will take some time following the 329 judicial appointments made by President Obama in his two terms, Trump’s legacy should still have some huge policy ramifications on a host issues for conservative activists.
Leonard Leo, who took a temporary leave from his position as executive vice president of The Federalist Society is Trump’s top advisor on the courts. In August he did an interview with The Acton Institute. Leo said this:
“He’s certainly a man with an eye for opportunity, and he sees the chance history has given him to change the American judiciary for the better,” Leo said. “We’re now looking at the possibility of as many as three Supreme Court vacancies and more than 200 lower court seats to fill just in these next few years.”
“This president is going to have an unprecedented number of vacancies to fill,” Leo said. “He already does. He’s got 134 right now. My prediction is he’ll probably get 60 to 70 more court of appeals vacancies. You’re talking about a very, very large swath of people who are going to be cycling out and new people cycling in. You could see as much as a third of the court of appeals in this country changing hands [and] at least that much with the district courts. That’s serious stuff.”
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