On January 8th, we are joining with Pro Family and Pro Liberty organizations across the Hoosier State calling for a ‘Day of Action’ on the so called ‘Hate Crimes’ bill. Please Join Us in letting Our Voice be heard at the State House!
The Chamber of Commerce and other Special Interests want to force California and East Coast values on Hoosiers. Let your Legislators know where you stand on the Governor’s proposed ‘Hate Crimes’ Legislation. They will win if we don’t let our voice be heard!! Call, Email or Write your Legislators TODAY!
Q & A
Who are my Legislators? Use this website to find the name and contact information for your State Senate and State Representative (contact both) http://iga.in.gov/legislative/find-legislators/
What do I say/write? Here are talking points to help inform your conversation with your legislators https://tinyurl.com/hc-talking-pts
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