A recent Dubois County Herald article has confirmed what we suspected, the Hate Crimes legislation that was defeated earlier in the Indiana General Assembly of pushed in an attempt to help lure Amazon’s second headquarters to Indianapolis area.
It is time for lawmakers and business leaders to be honest with Hoosiers regarding the REAL goal of legislation. Advancing a Liberal Agenda to appease companies that may or may not choose to come to our state is BAD Policy! (Especially considering our current law allows Judges this latitude as Attorney Jim Bopp pointed out in Senate testimony)
Indiana has significant advantages, especially economic, over many of the states competing for Amazon’s second headquarters, we do not need to also become a ‘Politically Correct State’. The last dozen years has shown Indiana doesn’t need to become California to compete for jobs. An example is liberal leaning Salesforce that has already expanded its presence in the state
It is our hope that in the future lawmakers and business leaders will be upfront about why legislation is being put forth so Hoosiers can have an informed debate on this type of legislation.
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