Indiana 7th District Congressman Andre Carson‘s office has confirmed that at a recent town hall meeting the Indianapolis Congressman told an audience that the TEA Party and some members of Congress would like to see people hanging from trees, in a clear reference to racial lynch mobs.
“Rep. Carson is a rankiing member of the Congressiobal Black Caucus. He knows exactly how inciteful such accusations and imagery is to African Americans. Carson also knows that such allegations are irresponsible and totally false. He owes millions of Americans, and many of his follow members of Congress an immediate public apology for such a reckless, offensive allegation.” said Micah Clark, Director of he American Family Association of Indiana.
Rep. Carson refers in his public town hall meeting comments to the TEA Party activists wanting “us” to be “hanging on a tree.”
“Rep. Andre Carson crossed the line of responsible political discourse. He owes tens of thousands of decent, law abidding Hoosiers who identify with the TEA Party movement’s legitimate concerns over taxes, spending, bigger government and the decline of traditional values and America’s founding principles an apology for such an outrageous and irresponsible claim,” said Micah Clark Executive Director of the American Family Association of Indiana.
Clark has spoken to dozens of TEA Party groups and thousands of TEA Party activists across Indiana who comprise all racial and socio-economic backgrounds and origins. Never at any time, has he observed any racial bigiotry or hatred at any of these peaceful events.
A video of Congressman Carson’s comments, along with his office’s confirmation of his statements, can be seen at this Washington Post news story link:
Congressman Carson’s offensive statement is reported as follows:
“Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second-class citizens,” Carson continued. “Some of them in Congress right now with this TEA Party movement would love to see you and me — I’m sorry, Tamron — hanging on a tree.” (Tamron refers to MSNBC reporter Tamron Hall who was at the Town Hall meeting.)
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